How to Remove an Essential Oil if it Causes a Burning Sensation on the Skin

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thumb_COLOURBOX10344029Some essential oils can cause a burning sensation when applied to sensitive skin. If this happens, do not try to wash off the oil with soap and water. This will just spread   the oil. Instead dilute the oil with olive oil, unperfumed massage oil, or coconut oil. Apply the diluting oil liberally. The burning sensation will stop almost instantly as soon as the essential oils become incorporated with the larger volume of the carrier oil that has been applied over them. Wipe off the oil when the discomfort stops. Apply additional carrier oil if discomfort reoccurs.

If you never have tried essential oil and the comfort and wellbeing using them you should give it a try! You must always be sure that you are using high quality essential oils, and not oils that were intended for perfume or flavoring. Most oils can be safely used at home without special training. If you want to try essential oils I strongly recommend the same company as I use: Click here!

Best regards

Kjell H Kjellevold

About the Author Kjell H Kjellevold

A doctor and specialist in pathology. He has always been concerned about health and how to manage a good and healthy lifestyle. The blog will mainly be about the use of essential oils, health, and training.

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