Category Archives for Health

Myth punctured: Alcohol does not change your personality!

Unpleasant behavior and embarrassing dance steps can no longer be rejected with high promille. It shows a new study from the United States, which takes the life of the concept that you change significantly when you’re drunk.

” Excuse me, I’m drunk” is a sentence you will have trouble using in the future when friends and acquaintances confront you with unnecessary statements and questionable text messages during a damp city trip.

According to a new study of the University of Missouri, it is not correct that alcohol changes our personality. At least not as much as we think ourselves.

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There is scientific epidemiological evidence that physical activity can reduce the risk of having cancers. These reports are mainly based on self-reported physical activity by the partisipants in the studies, which is a limitation of the obtained results. If you want to compare physical activity and risk of having cancers, the physical activity has to be measured. Individual opinions of physical activities vary among individuals and aren’t reliable.

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Fibroadenoma – A common benign breast tumor


Fibroadenoma (non-cancer) is a very common benign tumor of the female breast and occur in 10 percent of all women, but in 20 percent of African-American women.While it may develop at any age, it is most frequent in the third decade. It is a discrete encapsulated, not tender and freely moveable tumor. They often feel like a marble within the breast. A woman can have one or many fibroadenomas.  As the name implies, these tumors are composed of both fibrous (connective tissue) and glandular tissue. Some fibroadenomas are too small to be felt and can be seen only if breast tissue is removed and examined under a microscope.


The exact cause of fibroadenomas is unknown. They seem to be influenced by estrogen, because they appear most often in premenopausal or pregnant women, or in women who are postmenopausal and taking HRT (hormone replacement therapy).  Breasts are made up of lobules (milk-producing glands) and ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple). These are surrounded by glandular, fibrous and fatty tissue. Fibroadenomas develop from a lobule. The glandular tissue and ducts grow over the lobule and form a solid lump.

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This episode will give you a little primer on how modern medicine became a profit model and is not focused on curing disease, but on ‘treating’ disease aka, making the patient a cash call for the drug industry.…

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