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Archive Monthly Archives: January 2018

Nourishing Success through Proper Wellness

The most effective way to achieve success is by living a healthy lifestyle. Your body needs the proper care to be able to execute day to day routine and help you in achieving your utmost goals in life.

Nourishing success isn’t just about being healthy, but also about focusing on the other important facets of life. Read on to find out how to nourish success through healthy living.

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Surprising Reasons to buy essential oils doTERRA

Looking for a natural way to improve overall wellness? Essential oils might be the answer to your needs.
For over a thousand years, essential oils have been widely used in numerous cultures for both health and medicinal purposes. Its main uses range from aromatherapy, personal beauty care, household cleaning and natural medical treatments. We’ve rounded up ten of the most important reasons why you should invest and buy essential oils doTERRA.

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Overweight is a complicated issue!

The most important take-home message

  • Physical activity per se is not necessarily an effective means of weight reduction for all. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that increased physical activity gives health benefits and reduced risk of the most prevalent chronic diseases and mortality, even without weight reduction.

Other take-home messages

  • There is some agreement about the importance of the diet for obesity.
  • Physical activity has been reported to reduce weight to a moderate extent (5 – 10% of original body weight, appears to be achievable without calorie restrictions).
  • When physical activity is combined with dietary measures, increased activity seems to have an only moderate effect.
  • Physical activity is likely to play a key role in maintaining weight loss, in order to “keep weight”.
  • We are biologically and genetically engineered for high levels of physical activity and it will, therefore, be easier to adjust the energy intake of energy consumption when we are more physically active.
  • If you are less physically active, appetite regulation does not follow, which can result in energy surpluses and weight gain.
  • From nature, the body seems to counteract weight reduction to a greater extent than weight gain (compensating for more physical activity with a lower metabolism).

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