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Archive Monthly Archives: August 2016


Aromatherapy has been defined as the therapeutic use of essential oils from plants for the improvement of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Essential oils are volatile liquid substances extracted from aromatic plant material by steam distillation or mechanical expression. Oils produced with the aid of chemical solvents are not considered true essential oils, because the solvent residues can alter the purity of the oils themselves and lead to adulteration of the fragrance or to skin irritation. Most aromatherapists believe that synthetic fragrances are inferior to essential oils because they lack natural or vital energy.

Essential oils are made up of a large array of chemical components found in various plant materials. Their mane groups are terpenes, esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phenols, and oxides, which are volatile and may produce odors.

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El aceite esencial de menta esta hecho de la planta de la menta piperita ,que se ha usado desde hace mucho tiempo como té para ayudar a la digestión. La menta piperita tiene un efecto antiespasmódico, y calma los músculos del estómago, intestinos y utero. También tiene propiedades analgésicas. El aceite de menta se usa para todos los síntomas principales de la enfermedad del colon irritable, pero puede ser particularmente efectivo aliviando calambres, espasmos y dolor. Se han realizado varios estudios científicos en este sentido.

En una revisión nacional en octubre de 2015, la Asociación de Gastroenterólogos de Estados Unidos preguntó a estos especialistas sobre el uso del aceite esencial de menta en sus pacientes y el resultado mostró que el 83 por ciento (la mayoría) lo usaba en sus pacientes con colon irritable.Continue reading

Fibroadenoma – A common benign breast tumor


Fibroadenoma (non-cancer) is a very common benign tumor of the female breast and occur in 10 percent of all women, but in 20 percent of African-American women.While it may develop at any age, it is most frequent in the third decade. It is a discrete encapsulated, not tender and freely moveable tumor. They often feel like a marble within the breast. A woman can have one or many fibroadenomas.  As the name implies, these tumors are composed of both fibrous (connective tissue) and glandular tissue. Some fibroadenomas are too small to be felt and can be seen only if breast tissue is removed and examined under a microscope.


The exact cause of fibroadenomas is unknown. They seem to be influenced by estrogen, because they appear most often in premenopausal or pregnant women, or in women who are postmenopausal and taking HRT (hormone replacement therapy).  Breasts are made up of lobules (milk-producing glands) and ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple). These are surrounded by glandular, fibrous and fatty tissue. Fibroadenomas develop from a lobule. The glandular tissue and ducts grow over the lobule and form a solid lump.

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Use of essential oils in a clinical setting


A frequent and considerable concern regarding use of essentials oils in a clinical setting is that they are not FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) regulated and cannot claim to treat disease. In a medical setting, they may be used only for specific indications, and the language surrounding their use must be monitored. For example, essential oils can be said to “minimize comfort” but not “treat pain”; they can be used to “promote a sense of calm and well- being”, but not “treat anxiety”.

Since essentials oils manufactures are not regulated by FAD or any other regulatory body, it is the responsibility of the practitioner to investigate any supplier from witch an essential oil is obtained to ensure that the oil has a known botanical origin, is of high quality, and has been tested for chemical makeup between batches. Without standardization, it’s impossible to guarantee the therapeutic value and safety of any product.


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